Part 2 of a multi-week series of posts describing various implementations of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing using Dropwizard
Part 2 of a multi-week series of posts describing various implementations of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing using Dropwizard
Part 1 of a multi-week series of posts describing various implementations of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing using Dropwizard
Think about the number of times you pass props around a React application and expect them to look a certain way or be of a certain type, or the times when you’ve passed the wrong type of argument into a function and rendered a page useless. Fortunately, there are many solutions for these preventable problems, and one of the tools we’ve found helpful here at Rent The Runway is Flow.
Anyone familiar with RTR’s app knows that there are several different viewControllers that the user is able to navigate between; however, anyone not familiar with the code would most likely assume this navigation is done through simply pushing the relevant viewController via the navigation controller or by presenting the viewController modally
Without a one-to-one mapping of API service calls to application views, it was critical that we come up with a robust and coordinated approach for data binding and content updates.
Our stylesheets were getting unruly, unreadable, and impossible to maintain, which seemed like a great opportunity to refactor using two cool Sass features: lists and maps.